
I’ll be the first to admit that it has been a long week taking care of Rhen but in the end we were brought together by our complete and total love for the new White Stripes album, Get Behind Me Satan. Rhen likes the album for its lo-fi, edgey production quality (see vinyl). I like it because, this is seriously, the creepiest album I’ve listened to in a long time. Yeah, I’m going to try a half-assed critique of this album. It’s only going to get worse. The album has that goin’ down to the crossroads Eddie and the Cruisers feel to it. Plus many (all?) of the songs are about sex (Check track “My Doorbell” I’ve been thinkin’ about my doorbell, when ya gonna ring it) –the most important ingredient of any good rock and roll album. C. tells me I’m always thinking about sex when it is something else but then again, I always think people are talking about death when they say they’re talking about life. It’s all the same to me. Hmmmm. Anyways you should check it out. Plus, throw in Jack White’s canoe wedding to homely yet breathtakingly beautiful model Karen Elson in Brazil and the fun is just starting. This is why I like The White Stripes. Introducing themselves as a brother and sister act (they’re actually ex-husband and wife, divorced in 2000 but everyone knows that) the White Stripes are tongue in cheek and build the fiction around themselves much like Bob Dylan did (never been to Minnesota). It’s playful and scary. God knows how much Rhen and I love scary playfulness.

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