New season

14tedfoo  New season

Absolutely gorgeous day. The sun is warm but the breeze is strong enough to be constantly cooling the sweat on my body, making me feel delicious and young.

As Rhen and I took our leisurely stroll around the lake it suddenly occurred to me that there is a season between summer and fall. Sure, you could call it “late summer” but it doesn’t really quite capture the feel of those days. And it would be lamely boring.

This season is the smell of freshly sharpened pencils. The clattering of diesel school bus engines, idling at stop signs, taking the kids for their last of the summer fieldtrips. It’s clothes shoopping with mom. Brand new socks. Standing around campfires with friends. It’s Death Cab for Cutie on your car stereo. It’s holding hands with your sweetheart. Passing notes written in code and two hour phone calls that are cut short. It’s holding your baby and whispering secrets into his ear, while watching the lake ripple.

4 thoughts on “New season”

  1. Look at the cool TedFoo. Bloggin’ on a Monday.

    Great entry. Made me want to go on that lake walk, too. But I’m not quite ready for Fall… *sigh. The Teacher’s Doom.

  2. Thank Mocha and Mom. It’s good to be back on a work day. I already have tomorrow’s in my head. Gonna draft and save. Cheating now. 🙂

  3. I wonder if the secret you are telling your baby is that summer is almost gone and the next 2 seasons are “DEATH” just waiting to clamp down and suck the life out of you.

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