Your vote does matter!

Nothing worse than doing something you don’t understand. Learn all about voting for the Prez at this informative and easy to understand website. Need more? “Votemaster” knows all, see the current lay of the land here, politically speaking. Biased? Apparently, votemaster has, “bent over backwards to be scrupulously honest about all the numbers” despite his political preference. And that is all I’m saying about the upcoming election. Just vote. Ok? Oooh, I feel like pdiddy now. by being all forceful and Mtv-ish about it.

Sharing is caring

So, I’ve resisted writing on this blog for like, ever. I really believe that a picture is worth a thousand words and so I thought I would save myself the trouble and stick with snapping photos and posting the worthy. But looking back in the archives I found it just isn’t adding up to much. I post a picture of my dog like once a month. A person might think I’ve been, disaffected or something. No, no, not the case, I’ve been just taking careful photos and now find myself unhappy with the results. So, back to running my mouth off. I’ve seen pretty much all of the internet and now I have something to say about it. Bor-ing. The internet is no Swilly, that’s for sure, but we can definitely try. So, welcome back to worshipping the futility of it all, stop by and make it a habit, I’ll provide the links and the futile thoughts.